bisexual - meaning and definition. What is bisexual
Online Dictionary

What (who) is bisexual - definition


Someone who is bisexual is sexually attracted to both men and women.
Bisexual is also a noun.
He was an active bisexual.
Lillian opened up to Frank about her bisexuality.
·adj Of both sexes; hermaphrodite; as a flower with stamens and pistil, or an animal having ovaries and testes.
Hermaphrodite, androgynous.


Bisexual (disambiguation)

Bisexuality better known as bisexual, in human sexuality, describes a person that is sexually attracted to persons of both the same sex and persons of the opposite sex.

Bisexual may also refer to:

  • Bisexual characteristics, having an ambiguous sexual identity (e.g. epicenity or androgyny)
  • A bisexual flower (monoicy), in botany, one that possesses both male (pollen-producing) and female (seed-producing) parts
  • A bisexual plant (monoecy), in botany, having separate male and female cones or flowers on the same plant
  • Dioecy, in biology, a species that has members of two different distinct sexes (e.g. humans), opposed to unisexual (only one sex present, always females)
  • The Bisexual, a 2018 British-American comedy-drama television series
Pronunciation examples for bisexual
1. Bisexual?
Dr. Hil Malatino _ Queer Embodient and the Intersex Experience _ Talks at Google
2. AUDIENCE: Bisexual.
Improving Lives for LGBTQ+ People _ Bella Fitzpatrick _ Talks at Google
3. or bisexual.
Queeroes - The People who Made LGBTQ+ History _ Kevin Jennings _ Talks at Google
4. So I'm bisexual.
Improving Lives for LGBTQ+ People _ Bella Fitzpatrick _ Talks at Google
5. bisexual, and tran.
Resistance & Resiliance _ Ruth Hunt _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of bisexual
1. Toklas Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Democratic Club of San Francisco.
2. Emlyn, who was also married, with two sons, was bisexual.
3. The sexologist Alfred Kinsey concluded that the vast majority of us are at least a little bisexual, while bisexual chic gave us David Bowies provocative androgyny, Madonnas kiss with Amanda Cazalet to name but two.
4. Toklas Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Democratic Club, an influential San Francisco political organization.
5. Gay and bisexual men made up 45 percent of the total.